'Dreams feel real while we`re in them. It`s only when we wake up that we realize something was actually strange.' - Cobb, Inception.
I've watched 'Inception' when it first came out, and I must say, it's a memorable movie. Other than the fact that it was way too complicated for my sassy state of being at the time, I give it an 8.5. This quote up there lingered in my head since then. I've always been, and still am, a fan of dreaming; both types. Dreaming-whilst-sleeping, and the 'creating ambitions' kind of dreaming. The quote clearly refers to the state of awakening after the dream, and we get this sense of 'strangeness'. Sure, that might be human nature, but i've got a different perspective on the matter. We feel strange only because we 'think' this isn't real, on because we 'think' that we don't have the potential of turning this dream into reality. Because we humans, are well, cowards. We really are so don't bother yourself negotiating that fact. We tend to build this great empire of dreams in our heads, what we want and what we wish for, but as we awaken from our fantasies, reality, or in this case what we 'think' reality is, hits us. Why is that when your sleeping, or just imagining, you release yourself and not bother knowing 'how' you'll do something, you just feel joyous that's it 'is' happening, there in your head? But once somebody calls out your name, your out of your very own version of Utopia, bummed that your life isn't perfect. You know why? it's because you underestimate yourself way too much, and way too often. YOU have enough potential to 'think' it and 'dream' it, so why in the world can't you 'DO' it in reality? Because of 'Him' ? and 'Her'? Pointing fingers at others wouldn't do you any good, so stop complaining and break a sweat. Move, run, scream, do whatever it takes to pursue what it is you were dreaming. Turn it into reality.
So the next time you wake up from a good dream, resist that feeling of feeling strange, and say ' I just got a preview of what'll happen to me today'. Trust me, you'll go a long way.
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