Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Singapore Diaries.

Hello Readers!

I've just gotten back from our trip to Singapore, and i've got to say, it's been one heck of cultural experience! A part from the must-visit tourist attractions, not to mention hanging on nothing but a rope and flying from the very top of a mountain, it's been a very art-productive trip. I've worked on 3 different artworks, one of which I created as I went along, which i'll be posting more information on in the coming weeks. What I wanted to share in this blog post was our trip to one of the temple's in China Town, Singapore. I've always been interested in seeing and learning about other people's beliefs, so the visit to the Temple was an eye opening experience. I didn't exactly get to know what or who the people where worshipping, but I saw sincerity and humanity in their eyes. Of course, I felt BLESSED knowing that I'm a Muslim, with all due respect to other religions, and that I worship the one and only Allah. Going there, I visualized being Liz from Eat Pray Love, who I've previously blogged about previously. Different colors, incense in the air, and a very packed Temple, here are my best shots!

This is the water that's been used to bathe one of the statues. To them, it's supposed to bring luck and good fortune.

Till then readers,

- Dubai.

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